PGM XIII. 760 -930: Ritual of the Heptagram

This rite from the Papryi Graecae Magicae (PGM) is the opening portion of a greater ritual under the header "Instruction[s] for the recitation of the Heptagram" (PGM XIII. 760 -930). As with all opening rites, the primary purpose is to establish and orient the ritualist as the axis-mundi of the magical universe.[1][2] [3]

Unlike the various opening rituals of the Western Magical traditions that focus on the four cardinal directions and one defined clockwise or counter-clockwise motion for either invoking or banishing, here both clockwise & counter-clockwise rotations are employed to activate  seven directions.

Through the intonation of the seven vowel sounds of the Greek letters A,E,H,I,O,Y,Ω (α,ε,η,ι,ο,υ,ω; transcribed in the Betz edition as A,E,Ê,I,O,Y,Ô), we  activate the seven spatial-spiritual directions of North, South, East, West, Above, Below, and Center.  The frequent use of these seven vowel-sounds in the surviving spells and rituals of hermetic Egypt is a testament to their importance to the Graeco-Egyptian magicians. Let us not forget that ancient Egyptian priests were rumored to have performed unparalleled miracles with these vowels; the sounds of which were deeply linked to the seven planetary energies and the utterances of creation.

I've grouped the ritual into three  stages:  Defining the Heptagram, Invocation of Deity, and Activating the Heptagram. These are simply for presentation here as the original text does not contain any such division.  My methods of performing the ritual follow the original translated text from the Betz edition of the PGM.

¤ Defining the Heptagram ¤

The Instruction:  Speaking to the rising sun, stretching out your right hand to the left and your left hand likewise to the left, say "A." To the north, putting forward only your right fist, say "E." Then to the west, extending both hands in front [of you], say "Ê." To the south, [holding] both on your stomach, say, "I." To the earth, bending over, touching the ends of your toes, say "O." Looking into the air, having your hand on your heart, say "Y." Looking into the sky, having both hands on your head, say "Ô:"

PGM XIII. 825-835

Face East. Stretch both hands to the the Left and vibrate: A

Face North. Extend only your right fist and vibrate: EE

Face West. Extend both hands before you and vibrate: HHH

Face South. Place both hands on stomach and vibrate: IIII

Face Down. Reach down touching your toes and vibrate: OOOOO

Face Forward. Place both hands on heart and vibrate:  YYYYYY

Face Up. Extend both hands above and vibrate: ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩ

¤ Invocation of Deity ¤

"I call on you, eternal and unbegotten, who are one, who alone hold together the whole creation of all things, whom none understands, whom the gods worship, whose name not even the gods can utter. Inspire form your exhalation (?), ruler of the pole, him who is under you; accomplish for me the NN thing."

"I call on you as by the voice of the male gods, IÊÔ OYE ÔÊI YE AÔ EI ÔY AOÊ OYÊ EÔA YÊI ÔEA OÊÔ IEOU AÔ. I call on you, as by the voice of the female gods, IAÊ EÔO IOY EÊI ÔA EÊ IÊ AI YO ÊIAY EÔO OYÊE IAÔ ÔAI YÔÊE YÔÊI IÔA. I call on you as the winds call you."

PGM XIII. 843-855


Facing North and looking at the Celestial Pole, recite:

I call on you, eternal and unbegotten one, you who are One, who alone hold together the fabric of creation, you whom no man can understand, whom the gods worship, whose name not even the gods can utter.

Inspire me with your breath, ruler of the pole.

Lifting right arm, recite:

I call on you, as by the voice of the male gods, IHΩ OYE ΩHI YE AΩ EI ΩY AOH OYH EΩA YHI ΩEA OHΩ IEOU AΩ

Lifting left arm, recite:

I call on you, as by the voice of the female gods, IAH EΩO IOY EHI ΩA EH IH AI YO HIAY EΩO OYHE IAΩ ΩAI EOYH YΩHI IΩA 

With both arms raised, look towards the Celestial Pole and say:

I call on you as the winds call you!

¤ Activating the Heptagram ¤

"I call on you, as the dawn."(Looking toward dawn [say], "A EE  ÊÊÊ IIII OOOOO YYYYYY ÔÔÔÔÔÔÔ.") "I call on you as the south." (Looking to the south say, "I OO YYY ÔÔÔÔ AAAAA EEEEEE ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ.") "I call on you as the west." (Standing [facing] the west, say, "Ê II OOO YYYY ÔÔÔÔÔ AAAAAA EEEEEEE.") "I call on you as the north." (Standing looking toward the north, say "Ô AA EEE ÊÊÊÊ IIIII OOOOOO YYYYYYY.") "I call on you as the earth," (Looking toward the earth, say, "E ÊÊ III OOOO YYYYY ÔÔÔÔÔÔ AAAAAAA.") "I call on you as the sky." (Looking into the sky say, "Y ÔÔ AAA EEEE ÊÊÊÊÊ IIIIII OOOOOOO.") "I call on you as the cosmos, O YY ÔÔÔ AAAA EEEEE ÊÊÊÊÊÊ IIIIIII. Accomplish for me NN thing, quickly. I call on your name, the greatest among gods..."

PGM XIII. 855-871


After the first or second attempt at vibrating these vowel formulae, I felt a subconscious urge to capture and focus the implied triangular geometry of the vowel strings. Stretching both hands towards the horizon and forming a triangle between the thumb and index figures, I discovered the ideal gesture for this purpose. While vibrating the vowel "triangles",  I focus on charging the triangular area with light. Once the call to the direction is complete, I spread both arms while keeping the palms facing outward as if parting a veil.

Facing East, say:

I call on you as the Dawn!

Extend both hands towards the horizon in the triangle gesture and vibrate:


Facing South, say:

I call on you as the South!

Extend both hands towards the horizon in the triangle gesture and vibrate:


Facing West, say:

I call on you as the West!

Extend both hands towards the horizon in the triangle gesture and vibrate:


Facing North, say:

I call on you as the North!

Extend both hands towards the horizon in the triangle gesture and vibrate:


Look Down, say:

I call on you as the Earth!

Extend both hands down towards the ground in the triangle gesture and vibrate:


Look Up, say:

I call on you as the Sky!

Extend both upwards toward the sky in the triangle gesture and vibrate:


Close Eyes, say:

I call on you as the Cosmos!

Place both hands over your heart in the triangle gesture and vibrate:



  1. Hans Dieter Betz (ed). The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation: Including the Demotic Spells. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1992).

  2. Tony Mierzwicki. Graeco-Egyptian Magick: Everyday Empowerment. (Stafford, UK: Megalitica Books, 2006). This ritual is published in full by Mierzwicki as the standard opening rite with some slight variations to what I present here.

  3. Stephen Edred Flowers (ed). Hermetic Magic: The Postmodern Magical Papyrus of Abaris. (York Beach, ME: Weiser Books, 1995). Flowers presents the beginning of this rite (PGM XIII. 825-835) as the suggested "frame ritual"/opening rite.

Originally Published November 25, 2014 in Reflections from the Black Stone