
Paracelsus coined the term Spagyric to describe an alchemical process that contrary to popular belief is not exclusive to plants. Derived from Ancient Greek σπάω (spao, "to draw out”) and ἀγείρω (ageiro ,”to gather”), Spagyric literally means to extract and recombine. It describes the process at the heart of the alchemical axiom - Solve et Coagula, whereby from a base material (whether of vegetable, animal or mineral kingdom) we extract  the three Philosophic Alchemical Principles of Salt, Mercury and Sulfur. We in turn refine and recombine this triad of Body, Spirit and Soul into an elevated form as a Spagyric preparation. Spagyric preparations are EXTREMELY potent medicines, where a regular tincture may require 20-50 drops to be effective, a Spagyric preparation would only require 1 or 2 drops to have the same effect. 

The Spagyric processs is a microcosmic representation of the natural cycles of our planet. A Fire element heats Water which in turn vaporizes into the Air and interacts with an Earthen element (the prima materia) prior to cooling and returning to liquid. Wet organic matter putrefies and ferments into alcohol, it then dries and succumbs to the inner heat of decomposition transforming itself into ash, salts and dirt. Nothing here is artificial, it’s all natural processes sped up through the manipulation of hot and cold elements. 

Every part of the process is to be meditated upon and contemplated. Alchemy is a sacred spiritual pursuit that puts us in touch with something far greater than ourselves.

SpagyricS: The Alchemical Principles of Plants

As discussed above, all members of the Plant, Animal and Mineral kingdoms are understood by Alchemists to be endowed with the Three Philosophic Principles of Mercury/Spirt , Sulfur/Soul and Salt/Body.

Mercury/Spirit of the Plant - This is Ethanol, plant alcohol. Every plant regardless of species when left in water “dies” and putrefies thereby fermenting the water and creating alcohol. All plants produce the exact same type of alcohol - Ethanol. This is the universal spirit of plants…it is something that is so clearly in our daily vocabulary that we often overlook it. Ever wonder why alcohols are called spirits?

Sulfur/Soul of the Plant - The Essential Oil. This is what makes the plant unique, what gives it a distinct flavor or aroma or medicinal or spiritual property. You need not see the plant to know from what plant the essential oil comes. For example, take a whiff of a Rosemary oil, immediately you can identify what it is as this is the individual expression of that plant. The Essential Oil contains most of the healing and magical properties of the plant.

Salt/Body of the Plant - This is the vessel in which the Soul and Spirit are contained during the lifespan of the plant. The leaves, the bark, the wood, the roots, the ash, etc…

Spagyrics: Plant Medicine Preparation

🜍 Extraction of the Sulfur

This is the first step of a simple Spagyric preparation. When dealing with plants, the Sulfur is the Essential Oil, this is the volatile principle that expresses the individual Soul of the plant. We extract the Sulfur of the plant via steam distillation whereby the plant is steamed with distilled water that transmutes the volatile essential oils into vapor which is then cooled back into liquid through the condenser tubes. We collect and bottle the essential oil (Sulfur of the plant), and set aside the remaining distillation water and hydrosol. 

Fermentation & Distillation of the Mercury

This is the death and putrefaction of the plant material. Our objective is to release the plant Spirit from the body of the plant in the form of Ethanol Alcohol. First, we remove the plant material from the distillation biomass vessel and place it in a fermentation jar together with the Hydrosol water and the remaining distillation water. We then add a handful of fresh plant material in order to introduce natural yeasts into the fermentation process and then set the jar aside in the cellar. 

Over the course of several weeks, the decomposing plant matter releases CO2 as it ferments in the water. Once the rate of CO2 release slows down and eventually stops, the fermentation process is complete.  At this point we have the fermented solution of water and ethanol which we need to further distill to separate the Mercury (alcohol) from the water. We repeat this distillation process 7 times, each distillation producing a more refined Alcohol and thus, purer Spirit. We bottle and label the Alcohol as the Mercury of the plant and set aside the remaining water (known as the Phlegm). 

Calcination of the Salt

Through repeated incineration and grinding down in a mortar and pestle, we are able to refine the remaining plant matter into a whiteish/grayish fine chalk-like ash. Once we achieved the desired purity of the ash salt (as close to white as possible) we combine the ash with the Phlegm and any remaining hydrosol in roughly 1:3 ratio, stir and let sit for 24 hours. The rehydrated ash produce salt crystals which herald the final stage of the calcination phase.


Lastly, we recombine and bottle the extracted Sulfur (Essential oils), Mercury (Alcohol), and Salt (Mineral Crystals) of the plant into its final medicine.

Spagyrics: As Above, So Below

To ensure the most refined and potent medicine, we astrologically time the Spagyric operations to align in accordance with the biological and spiritual rhythms of Nature and our Cosmos. The Hermetic axiom of “as above, so below” guides our work;  for everything on earth is forever connected to the Cosmos from which all came into being. The principles that govern the celestial bodies in the sky above our heads are the same as those that are affecting the roots of plants in the soil below. Thus plants are harvested and medicines prepared on the appropriate Planetary days and hours (see below) according to the correspondences of the plant and the desired effect of the medicine, and always in strict observation of the Moon and her cycles. Those medicines designed to take things away (Pain relief, reduce inflammation, etc.) should be timed to have the major stages (extraction, fermentation/distillation, calcination, recombination, etc.) on the Full Moon so that it orients to the diminishing moonlight imbuing the medicine with that power of reduction. Alternatively a medicine created to bring something in (Improve immunity, give energy, etc.) should be time to align with the New Moon and be prepared during the growing light. Medicines designed for more esoteric pursuits (spirit sight, dream work, etc) will often require a combination of lunar cycles, major solar events (i.e. solstices & equinoxes), and other planetary alignments to reach their full potential.