This is my magic, my witchcraft, my alchemy and spirituality. It is a glimpse into the spiritual traditions of the paths I have walked by the grace of my elders, ancestors, and God.

I am not the same man who began this path decades ago, I am not the man you may have encountered on previous online blogs, forums and projects. Should you be looking for some of this earlier material, I invite you to peruse the Archives.

The words you read here are born from my own experiences and understanding. I do not claim to know anything or to be anyone of importance. I am not here to help, debate, or teach you. This is not an invitation for the reader to practice. This is not research. This is merely a glimpse into an untethered mind attempting to know the unknowable. It is perhaps best to write-off the images and words spelled here as the fantasies of a madman. 

a definition of magic

Magic is the causality by which nonphysical forces manifest change. A Magus (Magi, Magician, etc.) is one who calls upon, harnesses, and directs these forces.

A Definition of Alchemy

Alchemy is the practical application of Nature and Natural processes for the purpose of transmuting raw and impure materials into their most elevated and purified form. An Alchemist is one who practices this Sacred Art & Science so that they may in turn be transformed and elevated.